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Introducing Personal Pages.

With a Personal Page, you can customise your memorial as much as you like - changing the photo, text and colours to create a unique theme. This can be shared with friends and family and does not affect the public memorial.

How Does It Work?

  • Each submitted memorial has it's own unique Personal Page - separate from the public memorial - which you will receive a link to when the memorial goes live.

  • Inside that email you will also receive a 4-digit Change PIN. These details will allow you to log in to make changes/customisations.

  • Clicking 'Edit' on your personal page will let you log in and start making changes.

  • Click on the memorial text to edit it - there are no limits on length and you can add as many paragraphs as you like.

  • Click on the name/date text to edit it - you can add paragraphs here too.

  • Click on the photo or use the photo button to upload a new photo, this will replace the previous photo when you click save.

  • Click on the divider icon or 'Divider' button to choose a new icon style.

  • Click on the 'Text' button to change the text colour - you can drag around until you find the right colour and adjust the brightness with the slider to the right.

  • Click on the 'Background' button to change the background colour - you can drag around until you find the right colour and adjust the brightness with the slider to the right.

  • Click on the 'Save' button to save the changes and log out. These changes will now be visible to everyone who goes on the page. The changes won't affect the public memorial.

  • Click on the 'Cancel' button to undo all the changes that you've just made, log out and return to the previous style and text that you had set already.

  • Click on the 'Reset' button to return the memorial to the original style and text it had when it was first created. This action cannot be undone.

  • You can now share this Personal Page by using the links at the bottom. Share to Facebook, Twitter or copy the link so you can paste it in an email or message.